Marketing Automation

‪(925) 269-9775‬

Free Your Team to Focus on What Matters: Success

Red Cat believes in self-empowerment. This is why we consult to both manage and set you up to manage your own brand, or a combination thereof, through developing a marketing automation suite based on your specific needs.

Automate Workflows

Marketing automation will help you automate tasks that take a lot of time and tend to fall through the cracks then leading to lower conversion rates by enabling your sales team to act quickly on securing prime opportunities to nurture their best prospects and clients. The right Marketing Campaign creates a communication system that is both inexpensive and highly reliable.

Optimize Team Focus by Eliminating Repetitive Communications Tasks

Once Red Cat has established your suite, you communications efforts will be positioned to realize greater gains from lowered CPA. This is done through maintaining a customer database that is synced to your communications in that it will automate repetitive tasks and capture essential data such as when a prospect visits your webpage or opens an email.

Data is equals power and managing your data through automation means you can harness this power. Your marketing automation suite is a reliable collection of proven applications that can lower your cost per acquisition. Red Cat can configure and optimize your suite, as well as train your staff in how to deliver success with these tools.


Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship based marketing with quantifiable results. When powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management, your company will soon find itself on a journey that leads to new heights of business success.

– Nick Borelli — Automation Services

Request a Consultation

Red Cat helps our clients generate more business online through organic marketing services. But hey, you probably figured that out already! The real question is how we will approach your specific situation. Let's talk!

Our Clients

Let us know how we can help you.
Client 1 – Cisco
Client 2 – Mailchimp
Client 3 – Pfizer
Client 4 – Juniper
Client 5 – Pioneer
Client 6 – Habitat for Humanity